
Review of The Tupac Amaru Rebellion, by Heather Roller


Charles F. Walker’s book is a vivid narrative history of the Tupac Amaru Rebellion (1780–82), which profoundly shook, but did not ultimately topple, the foundations of Spanish rule in the Andes. In its ability to make sense of an extremely complex, multifaceted movement without losing the thread of the larger story, The Tupac Amaru Rebellion can be compared with Laurent Dubois’s narrative history of the Haitian Revolution, Avengers of the New World (2004). Like Dubois, Walker skillfully analyzes the perspectives and motivations—as well as the shortcomings—of the movement’s principal leaders, while also considering what led indigenous people to join en masse.

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Accidental Historian. An Interview with Arnie Bauer


Appreciated among Latin Americanists in the United States andhighly regarded in Chile, Arnold (“Arnie”) Bauer taught history at the University of California at Davis from 1970 to 2005, and was director of the University of California’s Education Abroad Program in Santiago, Chile, for five years between 1994 and 2005. Well-known for hisengaging writing style, Bauer reflects broad interests in his publications:agrarian history (Chilean Rural Society: From the Spanish Conquest to 1930 [1975]), the Catholic Church and society (as editor, La iglesia en la economía de América Latina, siglos XIX–XIX [1986]), and material culture (Goods, Power, History: Latin America’s Material Culture [2001]). He has also written an academic mystery regarding a sixteenth-century Mexican codex, The Search for the Codex Cardona (2009). His coming-of-agememoir (Time’s Shadow: Remembering a Family Farm in Kansas [2012]) describes his childhood and was recently named one of the top five books of 2012 by The Atlantic. He has also written some 50 articles and book chapters and more than 60 book reviews.

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David T. Garrett reviews The Tupac Amaru Rebellion

From late 1780 to 1782, indigenous uprisings convulsed Andean society from Cusco to Potosí, presenting the most significant challenge to Spanish rule in America between the conquest and independence. During the past half-century, the “Great Rebellion” of the Túpac Amarus in southern Peru and the Kataris in Bolivia has morphed from footnote to central narrative in Andean history, generating a substantial scholarship; it is now treated as a major anticolonial revolt in the Atlantic world’s age of revolution.

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Review of The Tupac Amaru Rebellion by Sergio Serulnikov


The Tupac Amaru movement, strictly understood as the rebellion led by Jose ́Condorcanqui, who went by the Inca royal name Tupac Amaru, and his relatives in southern Peru between Cuzco and Lake Titicaca from 1780 to 1783, was one of the best-kept secrets in Latin American history. The largest uprising of native peoples against European rule since the conquest era, it is an obligatory reference in any survey of Spanish colonialism, Peruvian history, and peasant or indigenous unrest. It has been also the object of intense historiographical scrutiny since at least the 1970s onward, following the impulses of consecutive waves of socioeconomic history, history of mentalities, structural anthropology, collective action theories, and the like. Tupac Amaru has become in due time a transnational political and cultural icon as well. His name figured prominently in late twentieth-century Latin American guerrilla groups, folk songs, and even the American rap scene. Even those who know nothing about the Andean past know something about the self-proclaimed new Inca.

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Jeremy Mumford’s review of “Revolution in the Andes” and “The Tupac Amaru Rebellion”


Serulnikov, Sergio. Revolution in the Andes. The Age of Tupac Amaru. Translated by David Frye (North Carolina: Duke University Press, 2013).

Walker, Charles. The Tupac Amaru Rebellion (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2014).

The Tupac Amaru and Katarista rebellions were a cycle of indigenous uprisings between Cusco and Potosi in 1780–1782, which claimed over 100,000 lives, primarily indigenous, out of a population of 1.5 million, before being crushed by colonial authorities. They have received excellent local studies, but no modern synthetic treatment. The books under review both meet that description, but they are complementary rather than redundant. Sergio Serulnikov’s is a concise survey of the rebellions throughout the region, bringing clarity to a complex group of uprisings, each with its own contours and protagonists.

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Reflections on Tupac Amaru (Berkeley Review of Latin American Studies)


The Tupac Amaru Rebellion stormed through the Andes from 1780 to 1783. The largest uprising in colonial Spanish-American history, it stretched from its base just south of Cuzco, Peru, into Charcas, in present-day Bolivia, with parallel skirmishes and revolts in what became Chile, Argentina, and Colombia. Rebels sacked haciendas, torched textile mills, and harangued the indigenous peasantry in the Inca language, Quechua, to rise up against the Spanish. The rebels presented a complex platform that included Inca revivalism and the abolition of a series of taxes and impositions on indigenous people.

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La rebelión inconclusa: Alfredo Barnechea reseña The Tupac Amaru Rebellion


Muy agradecido por la nota sobre The Tupac Amaru Rebellion de Alfredo Barnechea, publicada en Caretas.

Barnechea aborda muchos de los puntos claves del libro así como las incógnitas que deja: la geografía, la incertidumbre del número de muertos (eran muchos más de los que pensé originalmente y la muy difundida cifra de 100,000 –que podr[ia parecer una exageración– puede que no lo sea al final), la ternura entre José Gabriel Condorcanqui y Micaela Bastidas, y la falta de claridad sobre la vida y el proyecto de ellos mismos.

El Instituto de Estudios Peruanos ha confirmado que el libro saldrá en español en los próximos meses.

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Historiador por accidente. Una entrevista con Arnold Bauer


Tengo la satisfacción de presentar una entrevista con el gran Arnold “Arnie” Bauer, publicada originalmente en The Americas (Abril de 2013, 69:4) y traducida al español por Pablo Whipple y Giselle Gibbons. Desde mi llegada a Davis en 1992, Arnie ha sido un gran amigo, consejero y colega, lector y crítico de todos mis trabajos. Comparto con muchísima gente en Chile, y otras partes, una gran admiración por él como ser humano, historiador y escritor.

Su vida, de una granja de Kansas a California, con etapas en Marruecos, México, Berkeley, y, por supuesto, Chile, es fascinante. Aquí nos da algunas pistas autobiográficas, reflexionando sobre su inusual carrera académica, su amor por América Latina y su obra tan vasta como variada. Inmediatamente después de la entrevista hemos incluido fotografías de su álbum familiar y del vino que Bauer produce en su viña, así como las portadas de sus numerosos libros en inglés y español.

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